The Lonely King And Queen (English)

Author : Deepa Balsavar
Illustrator : Deepa Balsavar

A lonely king and queen hear a voice calling out to them. They look inside their home, in the garden and beyond, searching in vain, while all the time it grows louder... Written like a bedtime story and illustrated with gentle humour, this book leads the reader to discover what 'family' really means without mystifying the fact of adoption. Moreover, it reaffirms the right of every child to be loved and to have a home.

2018: Best of Indian Children's Writing: Contemporary

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Rs. 165.00

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Age 4+
Specifications 28 pages; 7” x 8”; full colour; soft cover
Rights sold Norwegian (Norway)
ISBN 978-81-8146-943-4
First Published 2011
Tags family, parent-child, children, adoption, inclusive book

Uses the structure of a fairy tale

Speaks to the core of yearning with humour and poignance. There is nothing that is over-deliberated, no ‘message’ to drive home, its charm lies entirely in speaking a truth that has been lived. Pattani Pod

A delightful book that poignantly simplifies the very complex is

How does one tackle the subject of adoption with children without being pedantic or didactic? How does one even introduce the topic and blend it seamlessly into the quotidian of everyday life? Deepa Balsavar's 'The Lonely King and Queen' tells us how. This delightful book poignantly simplifies the very complex issue of adoption in an engaging story of a king and queen who go in search of a voice they hear, leading them to the smiling face of a child.

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The Lonely King And Queen (English)

The Lonely King And Queen (English)

A lonely king and queen hear a voice calling out to them. They look inside their home, in the garden and beyond, searching in vain, while all the time it grows louder... Written like a bedtime story and illustrated with gentle humour, this book leads the reader to discover what 'family' really means without mystifying the fact of adoption. Moreover, it reaffirms the right of every child to be loved and to have a home.

2018: Best of Indian Children's Writing: Contemporary

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