Brahma's Butterfly (English)

Author : Meena Raghunathan
Illustrator : Kavita Singh Kale

With great imagination, Brahma the creator has fashioned all things on earth, even the greedy caterpillar. One day, however, it chomps its way through his colourful garden and Brahma gets very angry. But then, it was Brahma himself who gave the caterpillar its huge hunger, wasn’t it? So what was the caterpillar to do? And now, what will Brahma do? An amusing story of what happens when the creator makes a small but big mistake!

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Rs. 175.00

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Age 5+
Specifications 24 pages; 10.5” x 8”; full colour; soft cover
ISBN 978-81-8146-413-2
First Published 2007
Tags mythology, drama, Brahma, caterpillar, animals, food, humour

Bright, cheerful and colourful illustrations

One day Brahma created the world – trees, waters, animals, fish, birds, plants and flowers. He loved them all, but most of all he loved the plants and the flowers that grew in them. Until, one day, to his horror he found all the plants stripped of their leaves. Brahma found that inexcusable, who was that nasty creature who dared do this?

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Brahma's Butterfly (English)

Brahma's Butterfly (English)

With great imagination, Brahma the creator has fashioned all things on earth, even the greedy caterpillar. One day, however, it chomps its way through his colourful garden and Brahma gets very angry. But then, it was Brahma himself who gave the caterpillar its huge hunger, wasn’t it? So what was the caterpillar to do? And now, what will Brahma do? An amusing story of what happens when the creator makes a small but big mistake!

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