The Veena Player (English)

Author : Anjali Raghbeer
Illustrator : Soumya Menon

What happens when Valsa helps her Aunty Prima restore an old Ravi Varma painting? She finds out all about the artist and makes a friend from his paintings.

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Rs. 310.00

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    EnglishRs. 310.00$12.50

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Age 8+
Specifications 32 pages; 8.5” x 9.5”;portrait; full colour; soft cover
ISBN 978-81-8146-650-1
First Published 2009
Tags book on art, Ravi Varma, portraits, adventure, creating art, colour, educational

Swinging between fact and fantasy

The simple and straightforward language, the illustrations and the reproductions of the paintings beautifully complement the narrative. Guaranteed to arouse any young reader’s interest in art and the great artist. Young India Books

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The Veena Player (English)

The Veena Player (English)

What happens when Valsa helps her Aunty Prima restore an old Ravi Varma painting? She finds out all about the artist and makes a friend from his paintings.

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