Finding Shemeek (English)

Author : Suniti Namjoshi
Illustrator : Shefalee Jain

On a visit to Prague, the naughty granddaughter of Princess Libusha casts a spell on Monkeyji. And the only one who can help is Shemeek, the sleeping white horse of Wysherad. But to reach him Aditi and her gang must first deal with a rude sparrow and a dragon who wants to fight. A popular Czech legend is woven into this unusual adventure. Can a problem also become a solution? In a contest, does someone always win?

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Rs. 135.00

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    EnglishRs. 135.00$7.50

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Age 8+
Specifications 72 pages; 8.5” x 5.5”; black & white; soft cover
ISBN 978-81-8146-440-8
First Published 2008
Tags adventure, modern fairytale, legend, Prague, Czech Republic, dragon, animals, gender, series, travel, friends

Poses the ethics of truth and falsehood

Aditi and her friends Monkeyji, Beautiful Ele and Sibil the Ant are visiting Prague when suddenly Monkeyji is unable to speak. It takes them some time to find out that she has been cursed by Princess Libusha’s grand-daughter so that she cannot speak the truth.

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Finding Shemeek (English)

Finding Shemeek (English)

On a visit to Prague, the naughty granddaughter of Princess Libusha casts a spell on Monkeyji. And the only one who can help is Shemeek, the sleeping white horse of Wysherad. But to reach him Aditi and her gang must first deal with a rude sparrow and a dragon who wants to fight. A popular Czech legend is woven into this unusual adventure. Can a problem also become a solution? In a contest, does someone always win?

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